Hey friends....
I have been thinking over a question for a long time....I present this question to you.....
Would you take a billion dollars if as part of the deal the ‘Earth’ would be made an uninhabitable place a year after your death!!???.......(of course you would think about your friends, family, grandchildren!!) ......but what if the condition is changed to that the Earth would be poisoned a thousand years subsequent to your demise???
We feel strong obligations towards our immediate generations....should we not feel the same for our great grandchildren and their children and the generations thereafter??!!!
Totally correct ..
The problem with us is that all we care today is about our family, friends and a little more humans..
On the contrary we neglect the resources which we get(by default) from Mother Earth.
As an answer to this, Nature punishes us in form of calamities in which no one is considered as any different being, be it a white-collar millionaire or a street crook.
My answer to your question is:
I believe in our Earth and this makes your question meaningless to an extent
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