Friday, April 10, 2009

Understanding Memory

The human mind is a mysterious thing......many sceintists and thinkers and philosophers have tried to understand and decipher its working but a few have have succeded and that too partially. I am no greater than them so I just thought of a very basic thing......our memory and our understanding ability. Do they reside in totally isolated premises or do they have a connecting door. I am not talking about the physical divisions in our brains which the sceintists have carved out.....but the abstract thing!!!!

After a lot of contemplation and thought of a very interesting relationship between them which seems to be correct. well i think that the human mind's memory and understanding have a HYPERBOLIC relation between them. The graph to the right depicts the relation. take y=memory and x=understanding (or vice-versa)...the relation may be pictured so(the graph line in the 1st quadrant).

The more you memorize the less you understand and the more you understand the less you can that's some disadvantage....but you could escape it by choosing the optimum point. At that point you can both learn and understand optimally. Its upto you how swiftly and easily you identify and reach that point. Yes there's also arises a possibility(I beleive that anything's possible [:)] ) that there can be born such a man who could choose two such points and can both learn and understand to the sheer extremity......(the second graph line in the 3rd quadrant) and in this way he can two optimal points.....
quite analogous to the core 2 duo processor!!!

""weird thoughts I have""


Karamaati said...

Yeah I somewhat agree to ur relation between the memory and understanding of the human brain but I suppose that mugging up in itself is a kind of understanding. I feel that if u r muggin up something. you are learning a way to keep it in ur memory and u r understanding the ways of mugging up and not the thing which u r mugging up. That's why sometimes the whole page recoils in ur mind of things u've mugged up but not of those which u've understood conceptually..

Very confusing....huh
similar to a human brain

Unknown said...

yeah but then you didn't understand the concept!!! just mugged it up..!!

Sukrit said...

Actually, i feel that memorizing is not related to understanding at all. It is not necessary that u r mugging something which u understand. In my opinion, mugging capacity differs from person to person and is totally independent of understanding. A person can go on mugging but after sometime there comes a saturation level beyond which our mind can no more memorize. Now, this saturation level differs from person to person and as a result, some people can memorize more stuff as compared to others. People can mug more than their capacity only if the previous memorized matter is digested. According to me, understanding only depends on the power of concentration.

Sorry for adding to ur confusion....:)