The universe in which we live is said to have started from nothing.......nothingness exploded into so much that it is still expanding. What was that force which caused this not the question I wish to discuss right now... but the topic of discussion is that what materialized it?? Why aren’t we spiritual and religious and why are we material in our day-to-day practise?? I contemplated a lot and thought that the answer might be ‘Specialisation’.
So, at the beginning it was all nothing....then occurred ‘Big Bang’ and eventually specialisation took place. The things which specialized in energy were called energy and things specialising in matter were called matter. In matter; things specialised in planets, stars, satellites and other celestial things. The ones which didn’t specialize in anything formed the vacuum......the space. Matter also specialised into Living and Non-Living. Life first came in water and then few cells specialised to walk on land, some specialised in flying!!...and the evolutionary specialisation continued. Some specialised into plants and diversified our environment. Darwin’s theory of evolution has its keyline saying ‘Survival of the fittest’ but it should have been ‘Survival of the Specialised’.
After several specialisations man was born. He specialised into tribes and civilizations. Some specialised in their works into carpenters, farmer, labourers etc. Some specialised in power to become coons, leaders, soldiers, social servants etc. Some specialised in their views and became sophists, teachers, philosophers etc. Some in exchange and economics and became businessmen, traders, exporters etc.
Some specialised in worship and eventually into religions, and then gradually specialisations occurred within these religions, like Catholics, Protestants, shia, sunni, shaiv, vaishnav etc. Initially we worshipped one God then these Gods started to specialise into several other sub-gods.....some for wars, some for love, some for prosperity etc....... though these specialisations were brought about by Man alone but he boldly establishes that they were due to the Gods themselves!!! Knowledge also specialised into philosophy and science and they were further developed into an assortment of groupings. Then these subjects specialised into several sub-divisions. I could only imagine the extent of specialisation when my dentist asked me to consult some other dentist because I had problem in my 19th tooth whereas he dealt only in the first 14!!!
Our houses specialised according to our habitats. Now there are several specialisations in food....seasoning, baking, sizzling, mixing etc.
At the outset only one king managed the whole kingdom but now we have several departments and portfolios to manage smaller areas like that of roads, bridges, malaria, transport etc. Thus you can deduce easily that whatever you do is specialised, in this manner you are a matter if your work is petty or you are some thug!!!! You a are a specialist; you a clerk you are a specialist!!! Because only you can do your work, no one else can do it better than you.
Right now we are developing new specialisations everyday. That is why we say that ‘Universe is Expanding’. The moment this specialisation stops our world will start to shrink and we will say that the ‘Universe is Contracting’.
One nice morning it just struck me that I could easily define meditation, pride and salvation on the basis of specialisation.
Pride is simply to feel that your specialisation is unique or is rare.
Meditation is to discard the sense of superiority of your specialisation. The moment you forget your are meditating. People have tried several ways to meditate and elevate but this is the best and just forget the reason you think you are unique for and you are meditating.
Salvation......when you discard the thought of your specialisation you are meditating but when you discard your specialisation as a whole you attain salvation because specialisation is a material thing and discarding it completely would take you to the divine level.
We humans are only using a certain part of our brains; just a small percentage; a major part of our gray matter is a waste; but when we start using more and more of it.....our dimensions of specialisations would increase and after several specialisations maybe we would see that all the specialisations which we did were identical.......... it was just that we couldn’t see their unity!! But presently we are progressing on the Specialisation road and it might be that after the ‘Dead End’ we would have to return back. Then new specialisations will have to be made so that we could return. For instance, we specialised on how to clear villages and forests to develop towns and cities and now we are specialising on how to clear townships to develop villages and forests. English.....the universal language is spreading throughout the world thus decreasing specialisation.
One might ask me that why am I so much opposed to specialisation??.....there can be two answers to this......
1. 1. I oppose specialisation in the same manner as people oppose materialism.
2. 2. Maybe criticising specialisation is my specialisation!!!!